
We rush through life.
Do we still see?
Faster is the only speed we know.
Trees and people and streets pass by without us noticing.
There is no limit, no rest, no destination.
On and on we run.
No left or right, no breath we take.
Only silhouettes and shadows that flee from around us. We don’t mind.
Nobody cares about nobody.

We dive into deep, dark oceans full of everything.
We sink like stones.
We don’t try to escape, we drown.
We expect no help.
We don’t ask for help.
We hold our breath… and still smile.

Who am I?
A nothing among nobodies.
A nothing among nobodies?
Does this exist?
Do I exist?
Will we ever see?
Will we ever resurface?

Face yourself, then face the world.
There is enough that’s worth putting the brakes on. Especially you.

— Kali Mahavidya


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Author The One Project

The One Project is a community of passionate creatives, advocates and caring friends or family members working to support each other and change the conversation around mental health issues like depression, anxiety and more with therapeutic photography.

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