To think and focus on something for too long can be dangerous. When I was just a child I played a psychological game on myself. I grabbed on to an absurd idea, in this case, of ants being tortured, and even by knowing perfectly that I had set up that thought on my mind, I was not able to sleep that night, the ridiculous but creepy images that I had crafted myself would’t go away, and when I managed to get some rest, I had nightmares about it. That allowed me to understand how big of a factor our own train of thought plays, when implanting an idea in our mind. It seems quite easy to set ourselves in a path of negativity and pessimism, but if these have the Inception-like powerful impact of planting a seed, why not use this to our advantage and surround ourselves with positive, enlightening and serendipitous thoughts to attract everything we ever wanted and become our most authentic selves?
— Mariana
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