
Back in May of this year, soon after learning about The One Project, and being inspired by Bryce’s encouragement to “Capture the Light,” I outlined in my journal a simple process I should follow to lift my spirits and view the world with a more positive perspective.

1. Seek the Light

I must actively look for light and goodness – in people and the world around me. I may find the light in the rays of the rising sun, the beauty of a desert landscape, the majesty of beautiful architecture or in the smiling face of a child. As I find light and allow that light to distill into my being, darkness will be chased away.

2. Capture the Light

Through photography, I can work to capture light in digital images that represent my inner feelings, hopes and dreams and my quest for soaring illumination rather than the darkness of despair.

3. Share the Light

As I share with others the light I have discovered and captured, in both photographs and written words, I will feel the satisfaction of expanded self awareness and expression, plus the added joy of helping others to discover light within themselves.

Early this morning, I paused during my bike ride along the canal near my home to take this photograph. After returning home, I re-read my journal entry from nearly six months ago. Gratitude filled my heart as I pondered the positive effects this simple three step process has brought into my life.


— Mark Dixon



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Author The One Project

The One Project is a community of passionate creatives, advocates and caring friends or family members working to support each other and change the conversation around mental health issues like depression, anxiety and more with therapeutic photography.

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