
Here’s What 7 Members Say To Someone Anxious About Sharing Their Mental Health Stories

By May 11, 2020Insights

We asked within our private community, “What would you say to someone new here that’s anxious or worried about sharing their first story?” (login required).

It’s one of the most common concerns among new members and those who are going through mental health challenges, which makes sense as we continue to break down the stigma and better understand how to open up the conversation around mental health.


1. Kali Mahavidya

“Everyone here once shared his or her first story. You will read supporting and friendly comments, you will feel understood and welcomed. There is nothing to worry about.”

2. Member of The One Project (asked for anonymity)

“You can continue to read other people’s stories and find comfort in that and that’s more than enough. Adding your own story will add another layer to this community experience and this can help you feel more connected than before. It’s a low pressure environment that’s filled with support.”


3. Elizabeth Hall

“You never know who needs to hear your story, I guarantee that someone does.”


4. Christina Graves

“This is the most supportive group I have ever encountered! I’ve been afraid to share things, but once I did, I received only positive feedback. Plus, it really helps to know you’re not alone and that there are people who can relate or who have been there.”

5. Danielle Payette

“Excellent question. The thing about depression is the crushing guilt of being so self-involved. I don’t know about anybody else, but I get soooooo sick of thinking about myself. So I try to remain other-centered – as much as the voices in my head will allow me 😉 But seriously, this is a closed site, as much as is possible on the internet, moderated by a very competent leader who ensures we remain on topic, safe and respectful. At one point it is actually liberating to acknowledge one’s illness. I model myself on my sister who writes a cancer blog. If she can do it, why can’t I? So new member … you’re safe, your opinions and feelings are valued, and whatever you type does not go beyond these cyber walls without your say-so.”


6. Valeria Cisneros

“If you are anxious because English is not your first language, just try to write what comes from your heart :3 “


7. Suzanne Venuta

“That it can be terrifying, and what you are feeling is normal for anyone. This is a very supportive, non judgemental space, with supportive folks, and by sharing your story, it helps others to learn, they are not alone, and someone out there “gets it” Knowing this can be huge, and allow a person to move forward. Others stories have the power to change lives.”

You can learn more about our specific therapeutic photography techniques that many have used as a way to better express, understand and overcome issues like depression and anxiety in our flagship course, Build Your One Project — which is available with full access to the private community.

The One Project

Author The One Project

The One Project is a community of passionate creatives, advocates and caring friends or family members working to support each other and change the conversation around mental health issues like depression, anxiety and more with therapeutic photography.

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