
Always an excuse somewhere


Do people have a certain place where they can go and get lost in photography? I do, and it’s Elbow Falls close to where we live in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies. If it looks familiar it might be because it’s photographed quite a lot and has also been in numerous movies. These two shots were taken over 2 days last winter with friends. I tend to find getting out for landscape photography daunting for some reason. Less so with wildlife. It nearly always involves friends dragging me out. 90% of the time (at the moment) I don’t go…. there’s always an excuse somewhere….


— Chris Greenwood



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The One Project

Author The One Project

The One Project is a community of passionate creatives, advocates and caring friends or family members working to support each other and change the conversation around mental health issues like depression, anxiety and more with therapeutic photography.

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